Fumihiko Kajiya graduated from Osaka University, Medical School in 1965, and received an M.D. in 1966. His Ph.D was awarded from Electronics Engineering, Osaka University in the field of “Compartmental Analysis” in 1977 (related book published by Karger/Corona in 1984).
He served as a Research Associate jointly in the 1st Department of Medicine, Medical School and Electronics Engineering, Osaka University from 1967 to 1977. He moved to Kawasaki Medical School as a professor of Medical Engineering in 1977 and worked there for more than 20 years. He was then invited to the Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama University as a Professor in the Department of Cardiovascular Physiology and BME in 2000. After retirement from Okayama University, he has been working in Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare since 2005. He is currently a specially appointed professor, Okayama University, and a visiting professor of Kyushu University.
As for the activity in IFMBE, Kajiya served as an AC member (1985-91), Vice President (1991-94) and President (1994-97). During the chair of the “Asia-Pacific” working group, he made efforts to found IFMBE “Asia-Pacific Conference on MBE” (initially called “Far Eastern Conference”). In 1991, he contributed to organize the Kyoto World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (president: Hiroshi Abe) as the secretary general, leading its success with more than 3000 participants. Domestically, he was President of Japanese Society for MBE (JSMBE: 1998-2000).
He has chaired a number of domestic and international conferences, such as: Japanese Biorheology Society (1982), Conference of Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society (1987), Okayama International Medical Engineering Forum (1994 & 1997), Japanese Society for MBE (1998), and Japanese Society of Microcirculation (2001). He has played important roles in other BME-related fields over the years, e.g., Co-chair: Medical Engineering Technology Industrial Strategy Consortium (2004-13), Chair: MBE Section (Basic Medicine) of Science Council of Japan (2005-11), and Expert Committee Council for Science and Technology Policy (2005-11). He was a deputy chairman of Japan Prize (selection subcommittee: Technological Integration of Medical Science and Engineering, 2009). He acted and is serving as reviewers of various grants in Japan and in other countries.
His research interests lie mainly in (1) coronary pathophysiology, (2) in vivo microvisualization and velocimetry of coronary, renal and lung microcirculation, (3) MBE approach to atherogenesis and (4) analysis of coronary and cardiac interaction by SPring-8. He has published over 180 papers (PubMed). He was an associate editor of ASME J Biomech. Engineering (2003-13), and editorial board member of Am J Physiol (heart & circulatory, 1999-2011) and Med. Biol. Engineering and Computing (2000-05), Heart and Vessels (1985-) etc, He received the Berz Prize Boehringer Ingelheim, 1968 & 1973, the Sanyo Press Prize, 1997, the Ogino International Prize (JSMBE), 1999, Honorary Life Member of IFMBE, 2003 and Oka-Shoten Award, 2004. He is Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, American Heart Association, and American Physiological Society.