He was born in Cyprus on Jan 30, 1959 and received his diploma as technician engineer from the Higher Technical Institute in Cyprus in 1979, the BSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, Canada, in 1983, the MSc in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, USA, in 1984, the MSc in Neurology from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, in 1991, and the PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of London, UK, in 1992. He is currently Professor with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus and Visiting Research Scientist at the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics. His research interests include ehealth and mhealth, medical imaging, biosignal analysis, life sciences informatics, and intelligent systems.
He has been involved in numerous projects in these areas funded by EU, the National Research Foundation of Cyprus, the INTERREG and other bodies, like the FI-STAR, GRANATUM, LINKED2SAFETY, MEDUCATOR, LONG LASTING MEMORIES, CEF-CY, INTRAMEDNET, INTERMED, FUTURE HEALTH, AMBULANCE, EMERGENCY, ACSRS, TELEGYN, HEALTHNET, IASIS, IPPOKRATIS, and other with a total funding managed close to 9 million Euros. He has recently been co-awarded the EU H2020-WIDESPREAD-04-2017-Teaming Phase 1 project to generate the business plan for the establishment of the Integrated Precision Medicine Technologies Research Centre of Excellence (IPMT).
He has published more than 100 refereed journal and 200 conference papers, and 30 chapters in books in these areas. He is Co-Editor of the books M-Health: Emerging Mobile Health Systems, and of the Ultrasound and Carotid Bifurcation Atherosclerosis, published by Springer in 2006, and 2012 respectively, and of the Handbook of Speckle Filtering and Tracking in Cardiovascular Ultrasound Imaging and Video, published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK, in 2018. He is co-author of the monograph Despeckle Filtering Algorithms and Software for Ultrasound Imaging, published by Morgan & Claypool Publishers in 2008 and the revised second edition published in 2015. He was Guest Co-Editor of 18 journal Special Issues, including the Special Issues on Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Health Informatics, Emerging Health Telematics Applications in Europe, Emerging Technologies in Biomedicine, Computational Intelligence in Medical Systems, and Citizen Centered e-Health Systems in a Global Health-care Environment, of the IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine.
He was General Co-Chairman of the IEEE 4th Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME’2018), Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing Conference (MEDICON’2016), IEEE Region 8 Mediterranean Conference on Information Technology and Electrotechnology (MELECON’2016), IEEE 12th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE2012), IEEE Information Technology in Biomedicine (ITAB09), MEDICON’98, MELECON’2000, and Program Co-Chair of IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI2018), IEEE Computer-Based Medical Systems, (CBMS2017), ITAB06, and the 4th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 20010).
Moreover, he serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, member of the IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on Information Technology for Health (since 2011), and as Councillor on Education of the European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering & Science (EAMBES) (2017-2019). He served as Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE EMBS (2013-2014), an Associate Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine (2000-2012), and of the IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks (2005-2007). He is a Fellow of IET, and Senior Member of IEEE.