The International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE) is made up of fellows who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the profession of medical and biological engineering. Election to the Academy is initiated by nominations which are screened by the membership committee of the Academy. The election is conducted by a vote of all Fellows of the Academy.

IAMBE is affiliated with the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), responsible to the IFMBE General Assembly and its Administrative Council. IAMBE operates under the auspices of the IFMBE Constitution and Bylaws. The Academy is established by IFMBE for the following purposes.

  • The Academy operates under its own Bylaws which are approved by the IFMBE General Assembly. A link can be found to the IAMBE Bylaws.
  • The Academy is to conduct programs which will serve to encourage young people entering the field and their development in the early stages of their career.
  • The Academy, upon request of the IFMBE Administrative Council, also shall serve as a resource for IFMBE and its various units.